We believe that competitions are one of the best ways to boost your career in photography. But with so many opportunities available, it’s important to know which competitions are the most valuable to you as a photographer and how to make the most of the competitions that you decide to enter.

Our guide aims to help you in this process. It includes advice on how to evaluate photography competitions and figure out which ones are worth entering. The guide includes tips and insights from 19 photo industry professionals — with advice on how to prepare your submission and maximize your chances of winning. Finally, we have included a short list of some notable competitions to consider entering.

This guide is absolutely free and designed to help you submit your best work to competitions so that you can get the most out of the experience.

There is no way to guarantee success but we hope this guide will offer some helpful advice for photographers looking to break through. With good photographs and a smart strategy, we wish you the best!

— LensCulture